Welcome, Winter!

Our Winter started unseasonably warm, but now the temperatures are starting to align with the season. So, sure, it's going to get mighty cold out there, but there are many wonderful benefits of winter to enjoy! Here are just a few... (hint: warm food is among them)
1 - Cold Weather Burns Calories - It's been proven that some exposure to cooler temps can help activate "brown fat," which produces heat and burns calories.
2 - Cold Weather Calls for Delcious Hot Dishes - Nothing tastes better on a cold day than some delicious hot soup or a lasagna just from the oven. We can thank winter for our chance to really enjoy these cold-weather favorites. Stop by the store to enjoy our daily fresh soups, including our delicious White Bean Soup with Fresh Pesto and Ditalini.
3 - Cold Weather Reduces Inflammation - Similar to putting ice on a sprained ankle or achy joint, the cold weather can help reduce inflammation and general pain.
4 - Cold Weather is the Best for Sleeping - Studies have shown that sleeping in 60-68 degree rooms are optimal for getting the best sleep. So keep that thermostat down!
5 - Cold Weather Brings Us Closer - During colder seasons, you're more likely to have longer phone conversations with friends, according to a study by Newcastle University.
6 - Cold Weather Brings Vitamin C - Citrus is in its prime in the winter months. So, it's the optimal time to enjoy fresh oranges, grapefruit, lemons, limes, and clementines.